Create Travel Packages With Livetour

Create Travel Packages With Livetour

  • Livetour Team
  • Posted on: 17 Feb 2020

Managing a successful business is a herculean task as it offers to manage various resources at a time. This is where automation comes to your help. When automating, the ultimate aim is easing the burden of work and finding a solution for the hard tasks associated. The latest addition is paperless offices where it is fully automated. Travel companies are the ones in the dire necessity of automation. Arranging itineraries and maintaining bookings and reservations are the hurdles they have to face daily.


Upon mailing the itinerary and quote to the client, the executive moves forward to get the package details processed. This helps the executive finalize the details and mail the invoice and voucher.


The packages page is displayed along with the package information, payment information, property/vehicle information, bookings, invoices, and vouchers.


From this page, the invoice, voucher and booking, and confirmation emails are sent to the client.

Pending Reservation List

On mailing the invoice, the enquiry moves to the pending reservation list. The actions possible are edit package, view package, driver information, payment information, and feedback.


While you can view and edit the package from this page, the main use is completing the payment action to manage the accounts.

Moving to the payment information section, the mode of payment and bank details are completed. The enquiry is then subject to confirmation.


The confirmation is done through the manage the accounts section. This section records the invoice underpayment approvals. On clicking the action button, it moves to the income and expenses section under manage accounts. On successfully adding the income, the package gets confirmed.


The package is marked as confirmed with a tick mark and a receipt icon.


On successfully mailing the receipt, it moves to the confirmed package section.

Confirmed Package List

Upon mailing the receipt to the client, the package moves to a confirmed package list. There are actions in this section that helps close, edit and verify the package.

Canceled Package List

In case the client withdraws from the tour plan, it can be moved to the canceled package list. This option comes from the view package page where there is an option to cancel the whole package or the property and vehicle. Once canceled no further action is possible.

Closed Package List

After confirmation, the package can be closed upon the successful completion of the tour procedure. This helps the executives to mark the successful leads. The whole tour planning comes to a smooth end.

The Bottom-Line

Livetour is a comprehensive approach to travel automation. It brings together the various functions involved in the tour planning. It helps tour agents with booking reservation management as well as with the main hurdle that is planning the itinerary. With Livetour, there is no space for worry and everything is planned and executed professionally with the help of the application. Get your Livetour customization for the travel planner and take your business forward. In a competitive market like the current one, the ultimate CRM is the one which holds the business strong past the currents of a huge rush.






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