Livetour help you deliver world-class service to your customers.
See all the features that make Livetour the #1 tour software solution.
Live Dashboard
Wherever you are your business is with you. Check realtime whats happening in your business and how your employees working for you.
The Agile Sales Process
Livetour designed with a unique flow of sales process.
Livetour can capture leads and distribute to your tour executives. You can monitor each enquiry how they processed and what is the current status of the same. The followup tabs are designed to understand priority based and Livetour will give you more organised list of followups with feedbacks.
SMS enabled followup system will give you instant client response and more conversions.
Livetour designed with a unique flow of sales process.
Livetour can capture leads and distribute to your tour executives. You can monitor each enquiry how they processed and what is the current status of the same. The followup tabs are designed to understand priority based and Livetour will give you more organised list of followups with feedbacks.
SMS enabled followup system will give you instant client response and more conversions.
Capture leads from your website or you can add enquiries to the system and assign to your executives. Executives can process enquires with beautifully designed itineraries. System will show upcoming follow ups based on date and priority set be executive. Client will get SMS alerts each time executive send an Itinerary.
The fastest ever. Deliver an itinerary in 20 seconds to your client inbox.
Livetour has a wonderful itinerary builder make beautiful itineraries in seconds. Custom itinerary mode and preloaded itinerary mode gives you flexibility to build any kid of itinerary with multiple options to your clients. You can easily modify the itinerary as per client feedback.
Once a client approved your itinerary and quote, Select the option client selected and convert it. Its simple just click on convert and enter payment informations. Livetour will automatically generate vouchers and invoices and you can send it after verification. You can send all vouchers to property and clients from Livetour itself and it will be automatically stored in your sent items.
Every event your client will get SMS alert in your brand name. When receiving an enquiry, On assigning an executive, Sending itinerary, Package Conversion, Payment alerts & Client also get few casual sms reminding travel time, weather, welcome destination etc to give the feel you are with your client always. These all happening automated and you do anything for the same.
Livetour Remember Everything
Livetour will be your brain and it will remember everything for smooth functioning of your business. Arrivals, departures, clients in tour, cut off dates, aged payments, aged receivables, payments to properties, payments to agents and more.
Security & Productivity
We understand travel business is highly sensitive and competitive. We given importance to security and productivity while developing Livetour and our clients are happy the way it gives comfort in their business.
Admin or any assigned user will get user login alerts as email and SMS.
You can terminate access of any user from the mail itself if you felt it is an unauthorised access.
If you dont wish to receive login alerts for authorised logins you can mark as verified and you will not receive mail further until user login from non familiar IP range.
Livetour record complete activities by your staff and you can see what is happening in your office.
Activities can be filtered by user and analyse how productive your staffs are.
Manage Accounts & Reports
Not just CRM functionalities, We offer full solutions for your business. You can manage your entire office accounts including staff salary etc in Livetour. Our reporting system is graphically rich and informative they way you need.
Office Accounts
Record your regular accounts like income, expenses, salary etc
Accounts For Resources
Get complete transaction details of a single property or agent or any vendor. Generate any report with multiple properties or individual.
Target Meter
Enable target meter for your sales team quarterly and watch the progress of sales in each quarter.
Sales Reports
Graphical sales and turnover reports showing your entire business market wise, property wise, agent wise and more.
Generate Salary Statements
Generate salary statements every month with incentives also for eligible employee. Manage employee loan and debts also.
Resource Management
Keep the resources for your business in your Livetour. Properties, Vehicles, Agents, Houseboats and other vendors with their rates by season. This will enable total control on your business. Your executives can simply work with the inventory you provided and they dont need to involve in rate contracting and pricing. Without a single question your executives can give a quote to your client.
Upload the list of properties with their seasonal rates to the system and manage it bulk or individual any point of time.
You can manage the vehicle vendors in your system with each vehicle price calculation. Further system automatically calculate price in itinerary builder.
Add your agents here and you can see all transactions with each agent and their credit debit details any time.
Add boats you dealing with rates and seasons. Live tour will show the price you wish to sell in Itinerary builder.
Email Templates
A professional mail make great impression. Your client will love to read a neat and clean well designed email. Livetour sending itineraries using beautiful email templates. If you required a custom made template we can do it for you. You need multiple designs? that is also possible.
You can send newsletters to your existing customers periodically from Livetour to keep the business relation more stronger and give them more offers to give you business and seek referrals.
We have many more features in Livetour